Case Studies

Building The Leadership Pipeline
The organization had identified 60 leaders and emerging leaders who were key to the future success of the organisation.

Achieving Business Goals through people
The customer only used to give what they could not resolve or the other vendor could not resolve. hknsvsuficskn,xnvonv,,,j

Building The Leadership Pipeline
The Company had an expansion plan by adding up a new product line. c ksdudisbvssjdoafhksncnjaksdhuisnfdnvsfiuyfurrfcn

A Leader’s success starts with a leader’s confidence
He had his experience in one technology for 10 years and was shifted to a different technology project.

Creating Human Assets
Manager’s success was predominantly having one resource on-site who would interface between offshore and on-site. hjkxnvossd

Executive Coaching
Highly competent professional, who was having difficulty in relating to his team members. hivsfeusdfhjknxcsiudfcisncsiud9

“How to stop the exodus?”
He was the 2nd in command. The organisation has a manufacturing base across various locations in India. hcsjndisufycnsmhdiusndkjaoiudikckndjoia

Employee of the year
Energy block: The coachee had moved to development from testing. hjkfsnfiusedyfhucnxkjfdisuyfhjckxncsjdyfuisjnfskdeufisnvkfsguishnaknaiufisncfkjsnf

"I am a technical person how can I spot opportunities and negotiate with my customer?"
Skill Block: Even though the coachee was going for an onsite visit, the reason was larger than requirement understanding.

Transforming to be among the 20 top performers in the bandwidth
The leader was not promoted to lead a project because of the abrasive behaviour with people.

Becoming a Leader who listens and understands
Highly competent professional, who was having difficulty in relating to his team members. adhjanxjzdhjndxzcjzshdjsncxcsizyd